Coretan diri sendiri daripada diri sendiri buat diri sendiri.

08 May 2019

Peace in Ramadan.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Today is the third day of Ramadan, fourth night of terawih. Again, fasting away from home really makes me skinnier haha as I don't really eat for sahur (I only drink water) and not eating too much during iftar and moreh as I don't really like to spend money kahkah. However I am still thankful that I have friends that always offer foods. Sharing is caring ehe.

As for my personal opinion, I don't really realize that it is already Ramadan. I was like "eh dah puasa." I don't really feel the vibe coming. And the announcement for Ramadan was late this year, we need to wait like 1-2 minutes before Isyak. My mom already asked me to get ready for terawih but I was still waiting for the announcement. 

Coming back to ukm on the first day of Ramadan hit me, "ah, betullah puasa" haha. But there is something that really made me really realize it is Ramadan. Here's the story.

This semester is really hard for me. Everything is a mess and all over the place. Bunch of assignments which are not yet done and some that haven't started yet. I was really stress. This semester also allows me to meet with people who really like to "last minute." And some are not giving full cooperation. And also the problem I mention in last post. Everything hit me at the same time and I was really down.

Nothing can make me feel calm. Even when I am at home, there is always things that makes me think. Oh yeah, not to mention that I fought with my group mates during midnight. I was full with anger. Lots of work but I don't even know which want or how to do. 

And suddenly it is Ramadan..

I feel so calm. Nothing makes me boil. Even though there is no assignment done yet, but suddenly the stress is not there. Disappear. I still have many things to do; to interview a company, lots of report, homework. But none of that really make me want to kill myself. I can still laugh about it with others. I still can mention about it without tears ((a reminder that I am cengeng haha)). 

I really like this vibe. I really hope it will continue until the last day of Ramadan as my semester is ending with Ramadan this year. A reminder for myself that my study week is on raya week aha aha what is raya. Anyway, I really hope this situation will remain the same forever, how i wish. As a gelabah person, I really don't like myself when I am overthinking. Like kenapa nak kena fikir bukan bukan ish.

Last but not least, I really hope that my assignments will be done few days before due date as I hate last minute things. And I hope I can remain calm for the rest of my life.

Amanina Mohd Tarmizi -my life-

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